Retrieve data with Athena

Retrieve data with Athena

  1. Access AWS Management Console
  • Find Athena
  • Select Athena

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  1. In the Athena interface
  • Select Query editor
  • Select Edit settings

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  1. In the Manage settings section
  • Select Browse S3

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  1. Next step
  • Select kms-key-s3
  • Press Choose

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  1. Next step press Save

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  1. We return to the Query editor
  • Select Editor
  • Select the 3 dots in the cloudtrail-log-kms-key-s3-cloudtrail table
  • Select Preview table

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  1. Scroll down and you will see the logs appear

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  1. Try retrieving eventname of log kms-key-s3
  • Enter into the table the retrieval statement SELECT eventname FROM "default". "cloudtrail_logs_kms_key_s3_cloudtrail" limit 100;
  • Then press Run to run the command

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  1. Scroll down and you will see that eventname has been retrieved successfully

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The above is an example to retrieve data. You can retrieve what you need yourself in Query results.