Create CloudTrail

Create CloudTrail

  1. Access AWS Management Console
  • Find CloudTrail
  • Select CloudTrail

create cloudtrail

  1. In the CloudTrail interface
  • Select Trails
  • Select Create trail

create cloudtrail

  1. In the Choose trail attributes section

    You can name it differently as you like!

  • Trail name enter kms-key-cloudtrail
  • Storage location select Use existing S3 bucket
  • Select Browse

create cloudtrail

  1. Next step
  • Select kms-key-s3
  • Press Choose

create cloudtrai

  1. In the Prefix - optional section

    You can name it differently as you like!

  • Enter cloudtrail

create cloudtrai

  1. Scroll down to the section and click Next

create cloudtrai

  1. In the Choose log events section
  • Event type select Management events
  • Select Data evntes

create cloudtrai

  1. Next step we scroll down to the Data events section
  • Select the words Switch to basic event selector to switch modes

create cloudtrai

  1. Next step press Continue

create cloudtrai

  1. In the Data event: S3 section
  • Data event source select S3
  • S3 bucket uncheck Read and Write
  • Individual bucket selection press Browse

create cloudtrai

  1. Next step
  • Select kms-key-s3
  • Press Choose

create cloudtrai

  1. Next step press Next

create cloudtrai

  1. Next step, scroll down and press Create trail

create cloudtrai

  1. Notification of successful creation

create cloudtrai

  1. Please access S3 again

create cloudtrai

  1. Select Buckets select kms-key-s3

create cloudtrai

  1. We will see a folder created named cloudtrail/, this folder will contain all logs related to kms-key-s3

create cloudtrai