Create Bucket

Create Bucket

  1. Access AWS Management Console
  • Find S3
  • Select S3

create bucket

  1. In the S3 interface
  • Select Buckets
  • Select Create bucket

create bucket

  1. In the Create bucket interface

You can name it differently as you like!

  • Bucket type select General purpose
  • Bucket name enter kms-key-s3

create bucket

  1. Next step we scroll down to the Object Ownership section
  • Select ACLs enabled
  • Object ownership select Object writer8

create bucket

  1. Next step we scroll down to Block Public Access settings for this bucket section
  • Uncheck Block all public accesses
  • Check I acknowledge that the current settings might result in this bucket and the objects within becoming public

create bucket

  1. Next step we scroll down to the Default encryption section
  • Encryption type select Server-side encryption with AWS Key Management Service keys (SSE-KMS)
  • AWS kMS Key select Choose fromy your AWS KMS keys
  • Availiable AWS KMS keys select kms-key-encrypt-decrypt

create bucket

  1. Next step we scroll down and press Create bucket

create bucket

  1. Notification of successful creation

create bucket